Wildlife Removal Service in Barrie, Ontario

Are you tired of running after or worrying about unwanted wildlife in your home or commercial setup? Barrie Wildlife Pro offers licensed and humane exclusion and removal services for various animal pests and birds that can invade homes in Barrie, Ontario.

We have been in business for years and have the resources and personnel to do a thorough job. Our team has experience removing the following wildlife pests:

  • Birds
  • Possums
  • Raccoons
  • Skunks
  • Squirrels
  • Bats
  • Rats

Why You Shouldn’t Remove Wildlife on Your Own

You Can Get Hurt

Wild animals such as raccoons and skunks can attack when cornered or if you get too close to their young. Since they nest in hard-to-reach spaces on your property, you may venture near them without realizing it. A bite or scratch can cause severe and even life-threatening disease.

Get Rid Of Raccoons Today!

The Animals May Be Hurt

Canada has strict wildlife preservation laws that protect several endangered species with violation penalties. The brown bat, for example, is considered endangered and often invades homes. Our licensed and professional wildlife handlers and removers at Barrie Wildlife Pro have the training and experience to address all types of wildlife without harming them.

Disposal Issues

Not all wildlife removals deal with live animals. If they die on your property, you may not have the resources, training, or authority to remove them. Proper disposal involves following specific protocols for sanitation, so you cannot typically treat a deceased animal as household garbage without breaking some laws. We meet all local safety and legal requirements when we dispose of animal remains.

Recurrence and Prevention Issues

You may not be aware of the type of wildlife you are dealing with. Improper removal may lead to accidents or injury, and you may be unable to successfully remove the animals or birds, especially if they are nesting. We have experience dealing with a range of wildlife and customize our removal approaches accordingly.

You Can Waste Your Money and Time

You may be tempted to DIY wildlife removal to save money, but you may end up doing more costly damage. Compared to the cost of our professional services, the time and money you could lose would not be worth the effort. We offer same-day services (except for bird net installation).

Why You Should Choose Barrie Wildlife Pro

As professional wildlife removal experts, we take a process-oriented approach to each job to ensure the best outcome. The first thing we do is determine what kind of animal pests or birds we are dealing with and the conditions that attracted them to your property.

We use that information to trap wildlife and block entry points (exclusion), so they don’t invade again later. Lastly, we assist you with cleaning and advise you on prevention methods. If you have recurring wildlife issues, it may be prudent to subscribe to our scheduled, ongoing service. We also offer lifetime warranties to builders and renovation companies.

Again, we urge you not to attempt wildlife removal yourself. While you could save money initially, you may end up paying more than the cost of our services later.

Contact us for a free online quote today! We offer affordable, customized services.

    Possums Removal Services

    Expert Wildlife Control and Prevention Services in Barrie

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