Raccoons are Most Active in Spring and Summer

The raccoon population becomes very active in the spring and summer months. When they want food, they go after bird feeders, garbage cans, and pet food dishes.

Racoon infestations are on the rise in urban areas. Despite their cute appearance, these creatures can be dangerous, as they can carry diseases like rabies. If you own property, you need to know about racoons and the damage that they can do.

Raccoon facts

Raccoons are nocturnal mammals that can commonly be found throughout Canada, especially in the warmest regions near the Southern border. Urban raccoons, in particular, typically occupy less than 0.1 square kilometres. Raccoon ranges usually overlap, and they are not traditionally territorial.

The raccoon’s name comes from the Algonquian word arukan, which means “he who scratches with his hand.” This refers to the racoon’s habit of putting its food into water before eating it. They are very intelligent animals and are able to fit into small openings when required. This ability makes it easy for them to enter homes and other buildings to make their nests, or dens.

A warm and dry area is preferred such as roofs, crawl spaces, sheds, chimneys and attics. Racoons are known to cause extensive damage when they take up residence.

Raccoon Removal Services by Wildlife Pro

The species is nocturnal, preferring to move around at night, but they can also be seen foraging in broad daylight, as they get used to being around people and are not deterred by bright lights or loud sounds.

Racoons can be aggressive, especially when they have been infected by rabies or canine distemper. Due to this behavior and because their droppings are so toxic to humans and pets, once an infestation is identified, professional and swift removal is always advised.

Even though raccoons eat garbage and birds, they are actually omnivores who eat anything from plants to insects to animals.

Kits typically are born in April or May since reproduction occurs during the winter months. From one to six kits are born per female. The female raccoons are very protective of their young, and the kits stay with the mothers until they are 12 to 14 months old. Try not to disturb them during these months. In addition, raccoons live in groups of four to five adults to protect themselves against predators.

Is there a way for raccoons to get into houses?

Raccoons are clever. They will take advantage of any opportunity that presents itself. It means that if they find a way into your home, they will get in.

Raccoons are nocturnal animals, so they will wait until nightfall to attempt to gain entry into your home. They will work tirelessly to widen the hole once they find one.

Your fence or walls will be chewed off to widen any gaps. As soon as they are ready, they will force their head through the gap by pressing their bodies against the wall.

When they have passed through, they will dig around in your trash cans seeking food. The animals will eat whatever they find tasty, leaving behind a mess and making themselves at home.

How to deal with raccoons if you find them inside your house

Due to their nocturnal nature, raccoons typically emerge at night and retreat during the day. Here are some tips to help keep raccoons out of your home.

Wildlife Control & Removal Services - Wildlife Pro

1. Don’t panic. Most raccoons are timid and won’t act unless they feel threatened.

2. Keep your pets indoors. For dogs or cats, put a barrier between the yard and your house.

3. Cover trash cans. Put lids on garbage cans or cover them with large pieces of cardboard.

4. Contact an animal pest control company. If you do decide to have the raccoons removed from your house, contact a professional company to remove them; do not attempt DIY removal.

Wildlife Exclusion Services

Are you looking for wildlife exclusion services from your property? We’re the specialists with the knowledge and skills to get the job done right the first time.

Our professional wildlife exclusion and prevention services will ensure that you don’t ever have to face such a problem in your house.

We offer a full range of wildlife exclusion services for:

Call the experts

They’re not just cute. They can cause serious damage to your home and property. Call in Wildlife Pro to:

  • Identify: We will discuss your animal pest problem and provide you with a free estimate. At that time, you can schedule an in-person visit to receive removal services.
  • Trapping and removal: Our trained specialists will humanely remove and relocate nuisance wildlife. Raccoon removal services and dead animal disposal is done according to local laws and standards. When the animal pests have been removed, we will expertly clean and clear the affected areas to ensure your safety.
  • Prevent and exclude: Damage made to existing entry holes will be repaired. As well, to prevent future infestation, all potential entry points will be secured. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.